August 12, 2014

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Taylor, Chairperson, at 4:58 p.m.
ATTENDING: JoAnna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Charles Ingram, Mary Sampson, Carolyn Taylor, and Steve Wilson. Also present were Bette Dillehay, Library Director, and Maree Morgan, President of the Friends of the Library (FOL).
MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2014 board meeting. The board did not meet in July. The motion was seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve.
REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: Attached to the official record.
• Financial Report. The information presented included FY 2013-2014 year-end expenditures and FY 2014-2015 expenses for the period ending August 12. Reports of Operating Expenses for 2013-2014 (year-end report as of 6/30/2014) and 2014-2015 (as of 8/12/2014) are attached to the official record.
o Operational expenses for 2013-2014 show a negative balance of $2,145.94, which resulted from two annual subscription payments of $3,348.00 for the library online patron access and cataloging system (Autographics) in line item 5240. One payment was made in August 2013 for the period 2013-2014 and the second in June 2014 for 2014-2015.
o Per final figures provided by the Office of the County Administrator, library expenses overall for FY 2013-2014, including salaries and related benefits, reflect $36,068.35 in unexpended funds. This balance is the result primarily from unexpended funds for salaries and associated benefits, occurring as a result of an unfilled position during the budget period.
o The report of operational expenses to date for FY 2014-2015 include a grant of $1,500 allotted to Account 3000-Professional Services, which was received from the Mathews Community Foundation and is to be used by Coaliltion4Kids group in providing after-school tutoring. Director Dillehay is planning to revise the Coalition4Kids program to provide after-school tutoring during the winter and summer. She is also undertaking an initiative to encourage better coordination of community programs with other organizations; e.g., YMCA, Boys-Girls Club, etc. To date, grants/donations and reimbursements for FY2015 total $2,429.08, which does not reflect the funds provided by the Friends ($9,850) in support of the library's summer programs.
• Personnel. Mary Bull, head of Teen Services, resigned on August 11 to accept a position with Newport News Public Library. Full support of the Teen Territory will be provided in the interim by Carol McCormack and part-time staff members Michael Fisher and Amy Hudgins.
• Patron Update. The July activity report is attached to the official record.
• Summer Programs.
o The Highland Games were very successful. One visitor was so impressed by the program, he donated $300.
o The "What If" program was the most successful one to date. The third week's theme was Going Green. Participants learned a lot about preserving our environment. At the last meeting, attendees listed what they would do to preserve/improve the environment. Twenty-five percent of the participants were grandchildren from outside of Mathews; the majority live in Mathews.
o The Soothin' Summer Sounds program was also very successful.
o John Pogue, son of Dick and Adele Pogue, presented a program on July 24th on his experiences as a Hollywood writer/director.
• National Friends of the Library Week is October 19-26. Mrs. Morgan will coordinate two events with Director Dillehay to celebrate the week—a reception and plantings in the courtyard.
• Fundraiser. The FOL plans to raise funds by soliciting donations from supporters to sponsor lights on the community Christmas tree.
• Bookstore sales this year are doing great.
• Mrs. Morgan suggested scheduling a class by Greg Lewis, Head of Technical Services, on how to use the Cloud for information storage and sharing. The FOL is using the Cloud for its capital campaign database.
• Bronwyn Hughes, CPA, is leaving the FOL Board, but she will continue to provide support as a volunteer. Hank Furniss will assume the office of treasurer.
• Library Project status. The new wing has been transferred to the county. In early July, the deed was executed with the county. The FOL has $71,000 remaining in pledges against an $80,000 line of credit.
OLD BUSINESS: Endowment. Director Dillehay informed the board about two endowments with the Mathews Community Foundation (MCF) that support the library. One endowment fund was established with the $10,000 award when the library was selected as the Best Rural Library in 2005. This fund is set aside to support education/enrichment/training of the library staff. The other endowment fund—a discretionary fund—was established by Norma Von Brock. The current balance with the MCF is greater than $58,000. The board supported a recommendation to invite Margaret Nost, Executive Director of the Community Foundation, to brief the board during its September meeting.
• Election of Officers. The chair of the Nominating Committee, JoAnna Brown, recommended Carolyn Taylor as Chairperson, Will Story as Vice-Chairperson, and Steve Wilson as Secretary. VOTE: A motion was made to approve recommended slate of officers. The motion was seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve.
• Memorial Brick. Anne Brown Rawn "Becky" Cooke, a staunch supporter of the library died on August 8, 2014. Director Dillehay recommended the board purchase a memorial brick to honor her memory. Mrs. Morgan offered to ask the FOL Board to authorize the sale of the brick at cost. Suggested donation was $10.
VOTE: A motion was made to approve purchase of the brick. The motion was seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve.
• Proposed Friends of the Library Plaque. Mrs. Morgan presented a proposal to authorize the installation of a plaque in the library to provide a record of the significant support provided by the FOL in the two major construction projects to improve the library. The proposed plaque's narrative is attached to the official record.
VOTE: A motion was made to authorize installation of the plaque. The motion was seconded, and the board voted unanimously to approve.
ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 9, at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Stephen Wilson, Secretary
Attachments to the official record as stated